Thursday, June 5, 2008


June is a month of reflection. Probably because it is the month when I was born my mind tends to go back to the past.

Here's my sister and I at less than a year old. Again, I don't know which one is me. How strange that must be for others to see your baby pictures and not know. For me, if they're not label, then I simply play the guessing game.

As I go through these photos, I think maybe it's time to write about a story involving twins. I certainly know what it's like growing up as a multiple. Certain things happen to multiples that don't happen to singletons, like being regarded as a part of a whole rather than one individual. Already in my brain somewhere a story is germinating and eventually it will have to be told. Meantime, here's a photo of me and my sister in a double sized stroller.

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