Thursday, February 28, 2008

CONNections Writing Contest 2008 !

If you haven't entered our Connections Writing Contest, this is your chance. I've pasted the entry form below. Fill it out, follow the rules and send your entry to me. You can email me for the address:

CONNections Entry form/rules
2008 CTRWA CONFERENCE May 30-31, 2008 Mark your calendar to attend! Check out www.CTRWA for details.
2008 CONNections CONTEST

Official Entry Form

Entrant name____________________________________________RWA number_______________

Address_____________________________________City______________ State_______ Zip______

Telephone:_______________ E-mail:_________________________________________

Entry title________________________________________________________________

Targeted publisher:_________________________________________________________

Series line (if appropriate):______________________Estimated Word Count:___________________

Please check the appropriate category for your entry:

__Series contemporary __ Single title contemporary __

__Single title mystery/romantic suspense __Historical __Paranormal

If not enough entries are received in my category, enter it into________________________

Bonus judging-- CONNections best first meeting between the hero and heroine.(automatic)

How did you find out about CONNections Contest?

__ RWR __ Internet __ Chapter, Other:

Entry fee $30.00 plus a SASE for return: Please make out check to CTRWA
Postmark Deadline extended!: It is now March 15, 2008
Top prize $30

Separate judging for the best First Meeting with a prize of jewelry

I have read, understand and I agree to abide by the official rules of Connecticut RWA’s CONNections Contest. I will accept and abide by the decisions of any judges and/or contest officials regarding the winners or runners-up in the contest and not hold anyone responsible for any and all disputes arising from my entry into this contest. If I am disqualified for any reason, my entry fee is forfeited. I further submit that this entry is my original work and has not been accepted for publication.


Contact Marie Roy, Contest Coordinator, for submission address at:
For Official Use Only
Fee enclosed___ Check number______________ Money Order__________________________

Entry number_______________Judges: 1._______________________ 2___________________________ 3______________________________

-----------------------------------------------------Cut Here to Mail-------Read Rules Below-----------------------------

CONNections Contest 2008
Official Rules
• You are eligible to enter any category in which you are NOT PUBLISHED and not judging. If you have not been published for over three years, though, you may enter any category.
• The entry consists of the first 30 pages of your manuscript in standard double-spaced format with 1-inch margins. You may include a one-page synopsis, but it will NOT be judged. Please send three copies of the entry. The title must be placed in the upper left-hand corner of each page with the page number in the upper right-hand corner of each page. No name on manuscript. Attach a completed entry form, check, and SASE and send to contest coordinator’s address.
• The Contestant’s Agreement section on the entry form must be completed for your entry to be accepted. The contestant is responsible for choice of category entered.
• Please tell us the targeted publisher (and line, if for Harlequin or Silhouette series romances. For example: Intrigue, Everlasting, Luna, etc.) It will help our judges evaluate your entry accurately.
• You may enter as many times as you wish, but each entry must be mailed separately and must include the entry fee and SASE postage.
• You may enter more than one manuscript in the same category.
• You may not enter a single manuscript in more than one category.


Finalists will be notified in April and the final round judges will be editors.

Winners will be announced at the CTRWA conference, Ignite Your Muse 2008, on May 31,2008 in North Haven, CT or notified thereafter if not attending.

Note: There must be at least 5 entries in each category. If the minimum number is not received, the category will be eliminated and the entry will be judged in the category you have specified as a backup.

Thanks for your interest in the CONNECTIONS Contest 2008. We look forward to receiving your entry—and good luck!

Check CTRWA website for updates and final round judges’ names.